Incoming Materials Process
  1. Submit an MTA In Request Form online. (WUSTL Key required.)
    1. Click the red button titled “WUSTL Users Click Here”.  Enter your WUSTL Key and password. 
    2. Click on tab labeled “Forms.”
    3. Click on red “Fill Out New Form” button and select “MTA In Request Form.”
    4. Answer requisite information.  Please note you must include an “Other (Non-WUSTL) Party” contact from the provider.

    5. Submit Proposed Agreement from the Entity that is providing the materials, and include a statement of work.

    6. If you are unable to complete the form, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page and the form can be completed later.

2. WashU OTM contracts team will:

      1. review the provider’s agreement
      2. negotiate terms of the agreement
      3. obtain necessary signatures to execute the MTA

        Email contact

Outgoing Materials Process
  1. Submit an MTA Out Request Form through the online portal. (WUSTL Key required.)
  2. Enter the requisite information through the online portal. — a lab representative must include an “Other (Non-WUSTL) Party” contact from the recipient.
  3. WashU OTM contracts team will:
    1. draft an agreement & forward to the recipient 
    2. negotiate terms of the agreement
    3. obtain necessary signatures to execute the MTA
Departing Faculty Forms

>> Material Transfer Process for Departing Faculty (.pdf) (WUSTL key protected)

>> Material Transfer Process Form for Departing Faculty (.doc) (WUSTL key protected) 

>> WashU Faculty Transfer Worksheet (Excel)

Stanford Material Transfer Consortium

The Stanford Material Transfer Consortium is a group of universities that agreed in advance to allow their researchers to share tangible research materials among those universities without the use of material transfer agreements for in vitro research of non-human biological materials. Please review the Material Transfer Agreement Document (.pdf) for a list of the signatories.

WashU Quick MTA

The WashU Quick MTA has been developed in an effort to simplify the process of sending basic research tools from Washington University to other academic and non-profit researchers. Any Washington University Principal Investigator (PI), may use this form if all of the conditions 1 through 3 below are met (if a university PI has an HHMI affiliation see note below*).

  1. The Material will be transferred to a recipient who: a. is a PI in a non-profit and/or educational research institution only; and b. plans to use the material for non-commercial academic research purposes only; and c. will not use the material for research, testing, or treatment involving human subjects or for making any decisions relating to human diagnosis or care.
  2. The Material: a. was created at Washington University under the supervision of a university PI; b. does not contain, in whole or in part, any material that was received from another party under an agreement (e.g., other MTAs, sponsored research agreements, or commercial purchases with use limitations) that  prohibits redistribution or further transfer of such material; c. does not contain TET-System components; and
  3. The Material is NOT: a. human derived tissues, fluids, or samples of any kind; nor b. a controlled substance containing pathogens or other harmful biological agents subject to special guidelines and/or procedures; nor c. described in, nor is part of, a previous Invention Disclosure that the university is protecting or has protected under one or more patents or pending patents; nor d. exclusively licensed by Washington University to another party.

If the material you plan to send meets ALL of the above criteria, you may proceed to use the WUSTL Quick-MTA:

  1. Complete the relevant information in the WUSTL Quick-MTA;
  2. Make two (2) copies of the completed WUSTL Quick-MTA ;
  3. Enclose one copy of the completed first page of the WUSTL Quick-MTA prominently on top of or as a label onto the shipment of material; and
  4. retain the remaining copy for your departmental/laboratory records (see note below**).
  5. Send the material, with the WUSTL Quick-MTA enclosed, to the recipient.

If the material does not meet all of the above criteria, you have special concerns about your material, or you wish to send material to a for-profit company, please send the completed any pertinent correspondence from the requestor of the material to OTM via email. OTM will then draft and send to the requestor the appropriate agreement, based on the details of the transfer. * Note HHMI Investigators: In addition to Washington University policies, university investigators that are affiliated with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) are also subject to HHMI policies for sending materials that meet the above criteria. HHMI Investigators may use this form, provided you check the box indicating your HHMI affiliation and send a copy of the fully executed WUSTL Quick-MTA to your HHMI MAS.

Investigators sending materials under the Washington University Quick MTA are responsible for maintaining their own records regarding materials sent under this expedited MTA process and should follow their departmental policies on record retention. OTM will not be maintaining any records of transfer of material made under the Washington University Quick-MTA.

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